Friday, November 2, 2007

My Life at the U of A!!!

My name is Ellie and I'm currently a freshman at the University of Arizona. I have lived in Tucson for ten years now. I love Tucson! I dont really know where to begin but it's so amazing to be able communicate with you guys.
I live off campus about ten minutes away. I'm living with my parents for the first year of college and saving up to move out into either an apartment or a house with a bunch of my friends. The hardest part about college, at least for me, is getting there. I usually drive over about a half an hour before my class starts. I have a parking pass so I get to park in a parking garage. The first weeks of college weren't as easy. I didn't have my parking pass yet and had to be put on a waiting list for one, so I would have to wake up extra early to go find parking in the neighborhood and walk a pretty good distance to get to class. I can definitely say with sincerity that I appreciate my parking pass.
My school schedule for the first semester was really easy. I had four classes for a total of 13 credits. I'm taking math, english, philosophy, and psychology. I'm currently undecided but I'm leaning towards majoring in physiology. Each semester we have to register for classes online through webreg (its a link that logs you in to all the classes). Everyone has a pre registration date and time where they can go online to register for classes. It's really good to do this because you have a better chance of getting the classes you want. When registration comes around the whole school has access to signing up for classes. This is why its so important to pre register. Instead of being in a pool of 40,000 people choosing classes you're in a pool of just 1,000 on your pre registration date. For the second semester I'm going to take a biology, math, english, and two other classes, INDV and TRAD. The INDV and TRAD classes are required to take to graduate but you can choose which ones you want to take. For example, I took phsycology for my INDV and philosophy for my TRAD in the first semester.
Once you get all of your scheduling and transportation out of the way you are basically left with college life and its definitely the best!!! For me, college is something I looked forward to my whole life, so to finally be in it is extremely exciting! The classes are full of material and the teachers are rich in knowledge. But college life doesnt just consist of the classes you go to, its more so what you do in your spare time. From getting food, to shopping on campus, to football games, and even just walking around on campus, everything is completly social. There are so many new faces around you. There are people from all over the world that come together. Walking around campus is like walking around in a different town. The Univeristy of Arizona is definitely a huge community. It's like a town inside of Tucson.
I'm extremely anxious to see where college takes me. So far, so good. The U of A is amazing and something im absolutley proud of being a part of.
this is a great link to lots of pictures of the U of A

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Dorm Room Story By: Lauren Mais

My name is Lauren Mais, and I am a Freshman at the University of Arizona this year. Me and my best freind decided to be roomates together because we thought it would be fun. We have been best freinds for a long time and we lived together for about a month when we went to Europe so I thought it would not be to hard. Well on move in day, I moved in first. I really wanted the room to be neat and organized and just pretty. Laura, my roomate, on the other hand is very messy and sort of a hippy. She wanted to make everything very hippie like and retro. Needless to say, I was not very happy about that. Over the next week or so, it was a little difficult for us to find a happy medium of what our dorm should look like. We had things color cordinated but it was always cluttered. In the end, we ended up putting up some posters of Bob Marley, and a Love Peace poster and kind of organized the floor space. We get along for the most part except on day we had a big blow out fight. her boyfreind lives in Phoenix, and he was always coming up for the weekends. I thought that she was taking advantage of the fact that I let him come up so much and so that escalated. In the end, we ended up working it out and all is good with us. I also now understand more where she was coming from because my boyfreind lives in Phoenix as well. So, we usually alternate having one of our boyfreinds coming up for the weekend, and the other roomate goes back to Phoenix for the weekend. It works out great and I love rooming with my best freind.

Lauren Mais
Section 99