Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Day in the Life by Summer Varin

Hello my name is Summer and I am a freshman at the University of Arizona. I live in a dorm with one roommate. My dorm room is about 230 square feet. We have community bathrooms that we share with the other girls in the hall. Living in the dorms has been a big adjustment for me because I am used to having my own room back home in Phoenix. It is also a big change for me to share a bathroom with twenty other girls. My roommate and I had never met before I came to school in Tucson. I lucked out because we get along very well. Even with the changes I have really enjoyed living in the dorms meeting people and having great freshman experience.
My day normally starts out around ten when I have my first class. I have to walk about 10 minutes to get to my classroom. The class is English and we meet only three days a week for fifty minutes. There are twenty-five students in this class. All freshman English classes are small at this University. In English class we each have picked a Television show to analyze and write an essay about. After class is over at ten fifty my friend and I normally go and get breakfast. They have a bagel shop right next to our dorms so we eat there. Then after breakfast I go back to my dorm and I have free time to do whatever I want until my next class, which is at one. I either watch television, catch up on my homework, hang out with friends, or go on my computer. Having this free time is really nice, but sometimes it’s hard to manage your time because you do have so much of it, and I am not used to it. This is because in High School we had a full day of classes that occupied my time.
My next class is called Life on Earth. This is a general education class that is needed in order for me to graduate. There are about three hundred people in this class. It is the biggest class that I have ever been in, but a normal size in a University lecture. This class covers the general ideas of sciences such as biology. In this class right now we are studying human evolution. We recently had to do a project on identifying the different stages that the human skull has developed from. This is not one of my favorite classes though.
I am a member of the University of Arizona Pomline. This is a dance team that cheers on the sports teams at the university. We cheer at all the men’s football and basketball games. The pomline is an auxiliary to the Pride of Arizona marching band, which has almost three hundred members. After class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at two fifteen we have practice. Our practices last for about three hours. We also have practices on Saturday mornings from eight to noon. During practice we go over all the choreography that we have been working on to refresh our minds. We also learn new choreography for half times and the sideline routines that we do. In the beginning of practices it is only with the team, but at around three thirty we have to go outside to practice with the band. While we practice with the band we have to figure our formations out on the field and put our choreography to the music and the different formations. Practices are very long, but it is definitely worth it to be able to be on the field cheering at the games.
After my practice I will normally get some dinner on campus with my roommate. Then after that I will come back to my dorm and work on homework or just hang out. Then around eleven I will go to sleep and start the day all over again!

1 comment:

nosirrahetak said...

hi summer this is probably a bit bizarre but I found a dress that you posted to pinterest months ago that was a stunning white wrap wedding dress with long sleeves. I am desperately trying to track down this dress or any info as to how I can find out the designer and was wondering whether you knew or could tell me where u found the pic. I know this is a bizarre request but would be eternally grateful for any info you could offer. thanks for your help.