Friday, October 26, 2007

Hello. From Ji-soo Kim

Hello. my name is Ji-soo Kim from South Korean, but I graduated high school from New Zealand. I'm a freshman of UoA. I've heard you want to hear about how life is like a student in the USA, so here I am, but I'm a freshman of UoA and I've only been in the university for 3 months. Well, there are so many class buildings I'vs never even have chance to been to, but I will try my best to explain what it is like in here.
I was really surprised when I first came here!
There was an international Orientation day on the first day. Hundreds of students from all over the world gathered together in one place. It was interesting to know people from different countries all over the world. I was surprised that there were so many countries I've never even heard about. There were more exchange students than international students. I think UoA is well organized with exchange programs. You might want to try too!
Another thing that surprised me was the size of the class! One of my class have approximately 500 students. The class that big use the remote control called i-clicker to answer the questions professor asks and check the attandance. Sure I didn't have that for my high school :) Teachers just need to call names to check the attandance or ask a question.
Anyway I'm enjoying my university life. To be honest, I still get lost sometimes. Surely the USA is a big country. Hope I didn't bored you. See you!

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